How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life

It had taken me until now to understand that whether you’re a prince or a king, you’re not guaranteed a life of happiness. Like everyone else, you make your luck happen.

In "How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life," authors Janice Kaplan and Barnaby Marsh delve into the intricate dynamics of luck, offering a nuanced perspective that distinguishes between mere chance and the strategic creation of opportunities. The book posits that luck is not a whimsical, uncontrollable force but a phenomenon that can be influenced through conscious effort and strategic actions.

The authors draw a clear line between luck and chance. Chance is depicted as the random events that occur without any influence, while luck is portrayed as the outcome of seizing opportunities, making informed decisions, and persisting through challenges. Kaplan and Marsh argue that believing in one's luck and taking proactive control is fundamentally different from passively waiting for fortune to favor you. This active engagement in the pursuit of luck involves recognizing the confluence of hard work, inherent talent, and the ability to act when the right circumstances present themselves.

A key theme in the book is the importance of resilience and persistence. Even when faced with failure, trying again and taking calculated risks are essential to fostering luck. The authors emphasize the significance of understanding odds and statistics, suggesting that a well-informed approach increases the likelihood of success. Furthermore, expanding one's network by meeting new people and exposing oneself to diverse experiences plays a crucial role in enhancing one's luck.

The worst thing is to feel that you can’t control anything and being afraid to try. Then you’re left at the mercy of butterflies. Or other people.

Kaplan and Marsh conclude that the primary barrier to becoming lucky is the disbelief in luck itself. They advocate for a mindset shift, encouraging readers to recognize that they have more control over their fortunes than they might think. By taking proactive steps and maintaining a positive outlook, individuals can create a ripple effect of luck. Once someone experiences a stroke of luck, it often leads to more fortunate circumstances, perpetuating a cycle of opportunity and success.

Ultimately, "How Luck Happens" is an empowering guide that demystifies the concept of luck, providing practical strategies for harnessing it. By understanding and embracing the interplay of preparation, opportunity, and perseverance, anyone can learn to create their own luck and transform their life in meaningful ways.


  • Do we have more control than we think?

  • How do we manifest good, lucky things in our lives?

  • What’s the cause of bad luck and how do we deal with it?


Eloquent Rage


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