Little Rot

Akwaeke Emezi's Little Rot is a haunting and intricately woven tale that delves into the complexities of relationships, deception, and the hidden lives we lead. A trigger warning for sexual assault (SA) and abuse must be noted, as these themes play a significant role in shaping the narrative and its characters.

At first glance, Little Rot seems to be about Aima and Kalu, whose relationship crumbles because Kalu isn’t ready for marriage. However, the story goes far beyond a simple breakup. Emezi explores duality in depth, presenting each character as multi-faceted, showing different sides of themselves depending on who they are with. Aima is not the same with Kalu as she is with her friend Ijendu, just as Kalu presents a different self to his friend Ahmed than he does with Aima. Ahmed, too, hides parts of himself from Suoraya, a character who harbors secrets of her own.

This network of lies, deception, and corruption spirals from Kalu and Aima's split, ricocheting into actions and consequences that change their lives forever. Their separation sets off a chain of events that unearth buried secrets and alter the course of every life touched by the couple.

What makes Little Rot truly captivating is the slow unveiling of these secrets, as Emezi meticulously peels back the layers of each character, one interaction at a time. The tension builds, and the story takes darker and more twisted turns as it races toward an ending that is anything but happy. It’s a grim reminder that not everything is as it seems, and often, the glitter of what we desire hides something rotten underneath.

For those seeking a gripping, character-driven novel that unravels dark truths, Little Rot offers a compelling, unsettling read.




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